
NF Security Concepts has been in operations since 2009. With the collective experience of more than 30 years in Security and Protection, NF Security Concepts provides a full house Security Service. NF Security Concepts syndicates modern security training techniques with old world customer service. In conjunction with other security services, NF Security concepts continue to do work in Private, Commercial and the Executive fields. Outside of our borders, NF Security Concepts has completed contracts in Europe, East , West Africa and India. NF Security Concepts offer its clients dependable yet affordable security services whilst furthering the national goal of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). Our management philosophy is based firmly on a promise of delivery of a customised range of services to our clients.


  • To retain and grow our client base by meeting and exceeding our clients expectations and requirements
  • To create a stable work environment by encouraging staff participation and promoting effective communication between staff and management
  • To pursue a policy development and training programme, which enables our employee’s to be more productive and effective
  • To design unique systems to suit the needs of our clients
  • To further gender equality within the workplace
  • To be regarded as the preferred VIP Body guarding services company by our clients in all facets of our business
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